About the Project
Do you love culture? Do you like going to the theatre, a concert or an exhibition? Or are cabarets more your thing? And are you also convinced that learning never stops? Do you say yes to lifelong learning?
Are you wondering what these two topics have to do with each other?
Well, the CENTAUR project aims to bring together artists and trainers in adult education. We are convinced that artists in particular, because of the training they have received and the path they have taken in life, have many methods at their disposal that can be very interesting and helpful for many course participants in the field of adult education.
Furthermore, we believe that artists can also benefit from expanding their field of activity and becoming active in adult education.
Artists can make valuable contributions to society even when a situation like the pandemic makes it impossible to perform in front of an audience, to make their art public!
A win-win situation, an enrichment of adult education, which we want to support through the use of appealing digital tools!
Target Group
- Professionals in the Creative Art Sector (CAS), i.e. artists in the performing and visual arts, who may be unemployed and cannot use their potential.
- People working with adults on a regular basis (teachers, social workers, employees of NGOs, etc.), who have so far not made efficient use of online activities in the creative fields.
- Every-day people, who wish to enhance their life skills by developing creativity.
E-Learning Platform
The project’s main result upon its completion will be an open, freely accessible, attractive, modern and barrier-free creativity building platform; those active in the creative field, and in the performing and visual arts, underemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and educators working with adult learners at a regular basis, will be the primary target group, while those adult learners (clients) themselves, the secondary.
Training Materials
- Innovative online tools to support the identification and assessment of existing creativity related interests and strengths of the users.
- An e-book manual for trainers in adult education with separate chapters on creativity assessment, training, online collaboration, EU standards, and the offers of the platform.
- Downloadable content.
Creativity Building Handbook
CENTAUR’s Creativity Handbook will provide a simple-to-read summary of the relevant scientific knowledge and the lessons-learned on creativity use and creativity building.
Creativity Building Activities
The Project will also offer a set of practical, culture sensitive and easy to implement practices and creativity building exercises, as well as relevant information regarding EU standards and copyright regulations in creative activities.